Thursday, December 17, 2009


Fierce is my name,
With a fierceness I sought to destroy my life,
With a fierceness I fought everyone I could,
With a fierceness I hated life and every moment I breathed,

Then came you, then you showed me how fiercely you loved me,
And the fierceness I sought to use as my destruction,
Became the fuel for my desire to live, and love, and become,

Fiercely I rise every morning
Fiercely I greet the day and rejoice that you have given me another
Fiercely I seek you with my whole heart and strive to live closer to you and freer in you,

Fiercely I seek to be fully alive that you may be glorified
And fiercely I fight the enemy of my soul
Fiercely I love, and fiercely I grow and fiercely I hold to you.

Fierce is my name
And fierce is my life, my hope, my passion
Fierce is every moment I draw breath.

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